NOVEMBER 14,2023
One Day Of Giving
Welcome To
In 1983 the economy had taken a sharp downturn much like it has now. A group of concerned individuals created a place of temporary emergency assistance for those finding themselves on hard times. This was the beginning of the ALICE FOOD PANTRY. What in the world would they think now? We've been invaded by COVID-19 and a worldwide pandemic. Add COVID to our already depressed economy and you've got TROUBLE! Hard times have DOUBLED! Not only have we lost the oil business, but "mom and pop" stores and service industries have closed. We lost our valuable association with HEB and Walmart. We no longer receive FREE pastries, bread, produce, dairy or frozen meat. This is not only a budgetary loss but a terrible loss of quality fresh items for our clients. We must now purchase more non-perishable food to distribute which costs money. Food availability has also been a big problem. Implementing a new system that was safe for both volunteers and clients and effective in serving the community has been a challenge. With the help of the City of Alice we implemented a "new way of serving", drive through. Sadly, this new system eliminates the personal interaction that was so valuable to volunteers and clients. Some boxes are prepared prior to Wednesday, while the remainder are packed during distribution. Food distribution is once a month. Official distribution is on Wednesday at 8:00am.
TRASH & TREASURE, a retail resale outlet, where donated merchandise of all kinds is sold, was established under the AVS umbrella as a way of generating funds to buy food. TRASH & TREASURE closed during the beginning of the Pandemic. It was reopened in September of 2020 with an entire new staff of volunteers. Stop and see the nice new decor and visit with the friendly staff. Our managers are Smiley & Humble Gonzales.
Hours: Monday - Thursday / 10:00am-1:00pm
Alice Volunteer Services, Inc. is a non-profit organization with a Board of Directors designated to oversee the operations of Trash & Treasure and Alice Food Pantry. Approximately, 30% of the Pantry's operational budget is generated by Trash & Treasure sales. The other 70% comes from personal donations, grants and fund rasiers. The most important fund raiser for Alice Volunteer Services is
which is sponsored by the Coastal Bend Foundation is on November 14, 2023. All donations are doubled, up to $22,500. Proceeds pay for utilities, insurance, maintenance and food. These groups: ALICE FOOD PANTRY, and TRASH & TREASURE fall under the umbrella of ALICE VOLUNTEER SERVICES, INC. and are managed by a dedicated team of volunteers and Board of Directors.
Our mission has definitely changed since 1983. Food pantries in the Coastal Bend are no longer "emergency" aid only. With the economic downturn and COVID everyone has been hit hard but especially those with low incomes. Daily living produces "emergencies" around the world. Unemployment is prevalent. Many have lost their homes and have combined families into one household to make ends meet. Grandparents are raising their grandchildren because the parents have left. The situation in Jim Wells County, the Coastal Bend, our nation and the world is critical.
Alice Volunteer Services
Street address: 311 E. Main St. Alice, TX 78332
Mailing address: P.O. Box 1966, Alice, TX 78333
Phone: (361) 664-1015